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Close Encounters 2014 new tv-show

Verfasst: Di Jan 14, 2014 5:37 am
von Mundikuss
Close Encounters
Neue Discovery Channel Reportage vom 10.01.2014

Episode 01 :

Two cousins, Billy and John Smith, are driving in separate cars along the Klondike Highway when they encounter a massive "mothership" three times the size of a football stadium. Their description matches at least 30 other witnesses who see the same object in the sky that night around Fox Lake and the village of Pelly Crossing. It is one of the most extensively documented and researched UFO sightings in Northern Canada.

Episode 02 :

It's early evening in rural Pennsylvania when several dozen witnesses report seeing a fiery object falling through the sky and landing in nearby woods. Volunteer Firefighter, Jim Romansky, is called to the scene to investigate what they think is a crashed plane. As Romansky combs the woods near Kecksburg, he spots a glowing acornshaped metallic object. As he moves in to investigate the strange craft, the military orders Romansky and any other civilians to leave the area. The military denies ever finding a craft in the woods that night.

...weiter Episoden folgen!


Video jetzt mit besserem Ton und Bild

Verfasst: Di Jan 21, 2014 5:53 pm
von Mundikuss
Hallo !

Einige haben mich angeschrieben das die Videos mit sehr schlechtem Ton wären und ob ich diese nicht mit besserem Bild und Ton hoch laden könnte.
Dies habe ich getan, obwohl ich kein unterschied Festellen konnte was den Ton betrifft.
Falls jemand auch so schlechten Ton hatte beim anschauen der Reportage, hier sind die neuen Links zur Sendung.

Close Encounters S01E01

DECEMBER 11, 1996: Two cousins, Billy and John Smith, are driving in separate cars along the Klondike Highway when they encounter a massive "mothership" three times the size of a football stadium. Their description matches at least 30 other witnesses who see the same object in the sky that night around Fox Lake and the village of Pelly Crossing. It is one of the most extensively documented and researched UFO sightings in Northern Canada.

Close Encounters S01E02

DECEMBER 9, 1965:It's early evening in rural Pennsylvania when several dozen witnesses report seeing a fiery object falling through the sky and landing in nearby woods. Volunteer Firefighter, Jim Romansky, is called to the scene to investigate what they think is a crashed plane. As Romansky combs the woods near Kecksburg, he spots a glowing acornshaped metallic object. As he moves in to investigate the strange craft, the military orders Romansky and any other civilians to leave the area. The military denies ever finding a craft in the woods that night.

Verfasst: Di Jan 21, 2014 7:07 pm
von Alexis
Im ersten Video wollte der eine junge Mann mit seiner Kamera Aufnahmen machen.
Die Kamera funktionierte nicht, wegen eines angeblichen elektromagnetischen Feldes.

Bei beiden Autos, sogar bei dem, was genau unter dem im Film gezeigten „Fluggerät“ steht, läuft der Motor und die Lichter funktionieren, auch im Fahrzeuginnenraum.

(alles bei ca. 7.34 min)

Warum wirken elektromagnetische Felder nur auf Kameras, oder will da Jemand Jemanden.....

Weiter habe ich nicht geschaut, das hat mir schon gereicht.

Es kann natürlich auch sein, dass ich mich irre und alles ist ganz anders.

2 weitere Episoden

Verfasst: So Jan 26, 2014 11:52 pm
von Mundikuss
close encounters S01 E04

NOVEMBER 17, 1986 - A Japanese airline crew is en route from Paris to Tokyo with a cargo load of Beaujolais wine.
As Captain Terauchi and his crew are crossing Alaska, they encounter blindingly bright lights flying in their airspace.
These lights illuminate the cockpit and seem to be keeping pace with the Boeing 747.
Captain Terauchi then reports seeing two unidentified crafts, one the size of a 'mothership'.
The UFO is tracked by both ground and airborne radar, though its origins remain unknown.

AUGUST 27, 1979 - Deputy Sheriff Val Johnson is on patrol near Stephen,
Minnesota in the early morning hours when he sees a beam of light shining down on the road ahead.
As he continues to drive, the beam of light engulfs his car.
Johnson briefly loses consciousness and wakes up to discover that he had skidded off the road and he's suffering eye damage similar to welder's burns.
Both his wristwatch and the car clock have stopped for exactly 14 minutes.

close encounters S01 E03

DECEMBER 29, 1980:
Betty Cash, Vickie Landrum and her grandson Colby are driving home after visiting a bingo hall in Dayton, Texas.
On a country road, they encounter a large, diamond-shaped craft shooting fire out of its base.
The heat is so intense it melts the vinyl of their vehicle's dashboard.
They report seeing at least a dozen military helicopters in pursuit of the object.
All three suffer physical symptoms similar to radiation poisoning and spend a decade pressing the U.S.
government for answers.

SPACE ROCK: MAY 20, 1967:
Stephen Michalak is an amateur geologist in search of quartz in Falcon Lake, Manitoba.
When he arrives at his prospecting site, Michalak encounters a discshaped metallic object, which lands metres away from him.
He thinks he hears voices inside the craft, so he moves closer, assuming it is a secret military test vehicle.
As Michalak touches the craft, it suddenly blasts off, burning his shirt and leaving permanent marks on his chest.
Despite investigations by the U.S. and Canadian governments, no one could ever explain Stefan Michalak's extraordinary encounter.

Verfasst: Mo Jan 27, 2014 1:34 am
von Iapetuswirt
Also nichts Neues bei den UFO-Fans. Immer nur die alten Kamellen.
Diesmal dramatisch aufgehübscht.
Wer's braucht...

Ich gucke mir lieber Montag abends die Wiederholungen von Akte X an, da habe ich mehr von.

Verfasst: Mo Jan 27, 2014 5:49 pm
von Mundikuss
Iapetuswirt hat geschrieben:Also nichts Neues bei den UFO-Fans. Immer nur die alten Kamellen.
Diesmal dramatisch aufgehübscht.
Wer's braucht...

Ich gucke mir lieber Montag abends die Wiederholungen von Akte X an, da habe ich mehr von.

Ja, da hast du teilweise Recht. Aber Akte X anschauen ???
Nee, ich fand die Serie eher Mies, bis auf ein oder zwei Episoden die ich von den Dutzend Staffeln gesehen habe.

Mich stört an Close Encounters das meist nur andere über die Fälle reden und nicht die Augenzeugen selbst.

Wenn du in eine Episode rein geschaut hast sollte Dir aufgefallen sein was der Sprecher in den ersten 15 sek. raus haut.
Millionen von UFO Sichtungen Weltweit, viele davon sind erklärbar, bis auf 5 % die Unerklärlich bleiben, dies sind die close encounters....bla blub...usw.....

Jetzt versteht er weshalb ich von 5 % im anderen Thema geschrieben habe.

Verfasst: Mo Jan 27, 2014 6:30 pm
von Iapetuswirt
Passt schon. :)
Danke übrigens für die durchaus interessanten Videolinks, die du findest und hier postest!

Close Encounters S01E05 + S01E06

Verfasst: So Feb 02, 2014 6:23 pm
von Mundikuss
APRIL 6, 1966 - It's 11am at the Westall School in Melbourne, Australia when a classroom of students playing outside see a saucer-shaped object in an adjacent field. Word quickly spreads and hundreds of students and teachers observe the strange craft as it touches down, metres away. One student jumps the fence and tries to make contact when it suddenly takes off. The incident lasts for 20 minutes. The children are told never to speak of the incident, and it is kept a secret for over 30 years. Part 2:

NOVEMBER 25, 2009 -- On a short drive home from his work near Port Jervis, New York, John Hudson is singing along to Christmas carols when he notices strange lights in the sky. He describes a cigar-shaped object, 200 feet in length, with five multi-coloured lights. As the object passes over his car, his car dies and so does his cell phone. When it finally disappears, his car and cell phone start up again. Investigators believe the effects on his vehicle and cellphone were due to some kind of electromagnetic interference

Verfasst: Mo Feb 10, 2014 4:09 am
von Mundikuss
Close Encounters S01E07 2014

Part 1:
Strange lights are reported by security patrol near the East Gate of RAF Woodbridge, a U.S. Air Force base on England's east coast.
Just after midnight on December 26, eyewitnesses and radar screens follow an unidentified flying object as it vanishes into the forest.
Soldiers are dispatched to the site where they encounter a luminous triangular-shaped craft, ten feet wide and eight feet high.
The soldiers chase it into a field when it shoots upward, shining bright lights. The following evening, other soldiers report strange,
dancing red lights in the Rendelsham forest.

Part 2:
18-year-old Norm Smith is driving back from a dance at a local community centre,
when he and his friend see an object falling from the sky near the small fishing village. At first, they think it is an airplane about to crash.
When they arrive at Shag Harbour, a dozen witnesses report seeing a metallic object hovering over the water and then crashing.
A search and rescue team is assembled, and nothing is found but an eerie, yellow glittery foam floating where the object was spotted.
An extensive underwater investigation finds nothing strange on the sea floor where the object is last seen.

Verfasst: Mi Feb 12, 2014 1:59 am
von Mundikuss
Close Encounters S01E08 2014

Part 1:

An Australian rancher in Rosedale, Victoria is wakened by the sound of frightened animals in the early morning hours. He immediately thinks it is cattle rustlers, so rushes out to the field where his animals are. That's when he sees an object hovering above a large water tank. He hears a loud, piercing sound as a black tube-like object comes out of the ship. When the object speeds away, the farmhand discovers that the 10,000-gallon water tank is empty.

Part 2:

A biologist is working in his garden in the town of Nancy, France during the daylight hours. He spots a small saucer-shaped craft in the distance, which he initially assumes is a plane. As it descends, he runs for shelter as it heads straight for his garden and hovers about a metre off the ground. He observes the craft for 20 minutes. When it leaves, he discovers that all of his amaranth plants have wilted as if affected by an electromagnetic field.

Close Encounters

Verfasst: Di Feb 18, 2014 7:42 am
von Nordmann
Zu Close Encounters - Unheimliche Begegnungen -
Ich finde Mundikuss hat schon Recht, es ist zwar interessant, aber es geht alles in Richtung Akte X, es ist eben spannend inszeniert, aber Augenzeugen, wenn es sie den wirklich gibt und die dann auch noch eventuell zu Wort kommen, kommen doch nicht wirklich glaubwürdig rüber. So wie in der Serie X Faktor, "Wahrheit oder Lüge", auch spannend inszeniert, aber Augenzeugen?, Fehlanzeige! Aber wenn man es gerne sehen möchte und spannend findet, warum nicht.
Noch kurz zu den englisch verfassten Beiträgen.
Wenn man wirklich nicht der englischen Sprache mächtig ist, kann ja vorkommen, und man gerne erfahren möchte was Sache ist, muss man sich nicht gleich aufregen. Es gibt dafür doch kostenlose Übersetzungsprogramme die man benutzen kann, diese Mühe muss sich der User dann aber auch schon machen. ;)
Gruß Nordmann

Verfasst: Mi Feb 26, 2014 1:08 am
von Mundikuss
CloseEncounters S01E09 2014

Part 1: HOLY SHIP: AUGUST 11, 1972 - A number of Christian youth have assembled for a retreat on a hillside in Taize, France when they see what they think is a falling star. But the 'star' lands on a hill opposite them, and is making a vibration sound when it lights up. It appears to emit solid beams of light for over two hours. Some of the teenagers walk closer to the object and shine their flashlights, but the beams of their flashlights bend as though they are being repelled by the object.

Part 2: BELGIAN WAVE: NOVEMBER 29, 1989 - Two Belgian police officers are on routine patrol close to the German border when they see an empty field lit up by intensely bright lights. At first, they think it is a helicopter. But as they get closer, they see a large triangular-shaped craft moving slowly across the field. As it moves away, they decide to chase it. They follow the craft to a lake where it hovers and shoots out what appear to be red balls of light. Thirty different groups of witnesses, including three separate teams of police officers report seeing this low flying object in the sky that night. It becomes the first of many sightings between 1989-1990 throughout Belgium.

3 weitere Episoden von Close Encounters

Verfasst: So Mär 02, 2014 12:30 am
von Mundikuss
JANUARY 19, 1966 - At 9am, 28-yearold Australian banana farmer, George Pedley,
is driving his vehicle near a lagoon on his neighbor's property when he hears a loud hissing sound.
Suddenly, an object rises out of the swamp, which Pedley describes as a grey, saucer-shaped object about 25-feet wide.
When Pedley returns to the lagoon with his neighbor, Albert Pennisi, they discover an unusual circular mass of green reeds spinning clockwise in the water. The outside edges of the mass of reeds are angled down, similar to the shape of a saucer.

APRIL 4, 1966 - Australian businessman Ron Sullivan is travelling a country road in central Victoria when he observes an unusual light in a field.
He suspects it is a farmer plowing his field at night. As he gets closer, his car headlights suddenly appear to be pointing off to the right towards the light,
instead of the road ahead.
The bent front headlight is extremely disorienting for Sullivan, causing him to veer off the road.
He later observes the white light morph into a strange, tubular multicoloured light display.

OCTOBER 27-28, 1975: Over two nights, a silent, orange football-shaped object is spotted near the nuclear weapons storage site at Loring Air Force Base in Maine.
Airmen describe the object as having no doors or windows and with no visible propellers or engines.
The object's proximity to the Base's nuclear weapons arsenal causes grave concern. The control tower makes numerous attempts to contact the aircraft,
but there is no response. Its identity remains a mystery to this day.

JULY 19, 1946 - Farmer Knut Lindback is out working his fields on the shores of Lake Kolmjarv in Northern Sweden when he sees a massive rocket-shaped object heading towards the Lake.
It crashes, causing a deafening explosion and sending a column of water and debris into the air.
The military scours the shallow lakebed for any evidence of unusual debris, but nothing is ever found.
The government names the mysterious object a 'ghost rocket'.

SEPTEMBER 30, 1974 - Saskatchewan farmer, Edwin Fuhr is harvesting rapeseed when he spots a stainless steel metal object in his field.
As first, he assumes it is a duck blind.
He gets off his tractor to inspect and then sees a symmetrical bun-shaped object hovering about a foot off the ground.
He sees that the grass underneath is swirling in a clockwise motion. When he returns to his tractor, he sees four other identical objects.
After 15 minutes, all five objects simultaneously move straight up and fly away.
An investigation by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police discovers circular swirls of grass for each UFO position reported by Edward Fuhr.

JULY 12, 1984 - Fire Chief Dave Athens was talking with a police officer in a Danbury Connneticut parking lot when they observe six or seven bright lights arranged in a circular pattern.
When the bright lights go out, they see a new group of red lights 'underneath' in what appears to be a triangular-shaped object.
Dozens of bystanders also see the object that they describe as being about 300 feet wide and approximately 500 yards above their heads.
It is part of a 'wave' of sightings in the Hudson Valley area outside of New York City, where over 5000 similar sightings are reported between 1983-1986.

Verfasst: Mo Mär 17, 2014 2:33 pm
von Mundikuss
Close Encounters ...

...hier kann man die TV Show weiter verfolgen:

Danke an diejenigen die meine Videos gemeldet haben.
Ich durfte Sie löschen. :mad:
Seit ihr nun zufrieden ?
Ich verstehe solch ein Neid überhaupt gar nicht. Was ist nur los mit euch Lichtarbeitern ? Da sucht man nach neuen Reportagen, postet diese ohne einen Pfennig Kohle daran zu verdienen und wird dann noch an gezinkt.
Sorry, aber das musste mal sein und ist auch nur an diejenigen gerichtet die sich in diesem Moment angesprochen fühlen.


Verfasst: Mo Mär 17, 2014 5:59 pm
von Iapetuswirt
Ich denke mal, dass hier niemand was damit zu tun hat. Wenn du Urheberrechte verletzt, dann löscht youtube die Sachen. Weiß an sich aber auch jeder.

Close Encounter Staffel S02

Verfasst: Di Feb 03, 2015 11:34 am
von Mundikuss
Close Encounter Staffel S02E01

Strange lights are seen over Lake Erie and
Terror on the Ranch

Lake Erie, Michigan, USA (1988)

Henry Baker is driving home with his pregnant wife Sheila Baker and their two young children when Sheila spots strange lights hovering over the lake. They pull over and see a massive, steel grey, blimp shaped craft with lights on either end. The Bakers rush home to report the sighting. While the Bakers are with two coast guard members investigating the sighting, a triangular craft beelines towards the Bakers narrowly missing Sheila.

Phasers on Stun
Trancas, ARGENTINA (1963)

Two sisters Yolié and Yolanda are on a remote ranch near Trancas, Argentina. Late at night, the young housekeeper, Dora, rushes to them terrified by lights she has seen outside the house. Yolié, Yolanda and Dora go outside to investigate and see a metallic disc-shaped craft with a dome on top, hovering near the gate to the farm. The craft emits a solid beam of light that Yolié is drawn to. She reaches out to touch the light when suddenly the craft releases a blast of flame that knocks them all down violently.

Verfasst: Do Feb 05, 2015 6:01 pm
von Mundikuss
Staffel 02E02

British Invasion
Cosford & Rugeley, UK (1993)
Sixteen year-old Laura Sinclair is walking the family dog when she sees a large cylindrical object hovering in the sky above her. She races home to tell her family who believe it might be a secret military craft. Her father jumps into his car with Laura and her boyfriend to catch up with it when it mysteriously disappears. At the nearby Royal Air Force base in Shawbury, Corporal Banton has a sighting of his own and is stunned when the craft emits a bright beam of light that begins moving towards him.


School Daze

Crestview, Florida, USA (1967)
School children at Crestview Elementary School witness multiple UFO sightings over the course of three days. On the second day, the students and the school staff are astonished when a large metallic craft disappears into a tree and then almost immediately reappears in front of them. The students, who remember the military coming to investigate the incidents, are still speaking out about the sightings almost forty-five years later.